
Showing posts from August, 2013

PROXY SERVER(SQUID) in Linux Operating System

Proxy servers are used to share an Internet connection with many clients. A proxy server can be configured as: A simple proxy server - to share the internet connection A caching web server - to store web pages locally to improve performance. A firewall- to control access to the internet. Squid proxy is the most widely used open source proxy. Requirements for Proxy: Packages squid*.rpm Port numbers 3128(Default) Configuration file /etc/squid/squid.conf Service/Daemon Squid Configuration of Proxy Server Step1: to configure Samba server Check system IP address #ifconfig eth0 Assign the host name temporarily and permanent. #hostname # vi /etc/sysconfig/network Edit the hostname :wq! Add the host entries. #vi /etc/hosts go to insert mode    proxy :wq! Then logoff & login Assign DNS ip address #vi /etc/resolv.conf nameserver 192.168.1....

Web Server in Linux Operating System

Apache Apache is a open source software and available in wide range of operating systems, including UNIX, LINUX & Windows. The Majority of all web servers using Apache are Linux web servers. Type of Web Services Linux/Unix based web services TUX- In kernel web server that supports only text Apache- The most popular web server AOL-  American Online free web server Sun One- Web server from SUN previously called as Iplanet. Netscape Elinks Elinks: It is a default application which is used to access internet websites in CLI Mode. Virtual Hosting Hosting more than one website on a single server is called as Virtual Hosting. Types of  virtual Hosting Name based Virtual Hosting IP based Virtual Hosting Port based Virtual Hosting Requirement for Web Server: Installation Packages httpd*.rpm Port No: 80 Configuration File /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Service/Daemon httpd Default Database location /var/www/html Configuration...


SAMBA(CENTOS 6.0) Samba is a n open source suite that provides seamless file and print services to Server Message Block(SMB) clients. It allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and windows based clients. Samba sets up network shares of Unix/Linux directories. These appear to windows users as normal windows folders accessible via the network. Unix users can mount the shares directly as part of their file structure. Requirements :- Installation Packages -Samba* Configuration File -etc/samba/smb.conf Port Numbers 137-NetBios Name Service 138-NetBios Datagram Service 139-NetBios Session Service   Service -smb Daemon nmbd smbd    It is a default service in Linux operating system, which is used to share files, directories and Hardware resources. Generally Samba server configure within the LAN network. Samba server is also known as Centralized database server. Clients of any operating system, in that Windows operating system used ar...

FTP in linux(CENTOS 6.0)

File Transfer Protocol(FTP) is one of the oldest members of the TCP/IP protocol stack and is still in the common use. As the name suggests, it is optimized for transferring files. Types of FTP Services. VSFTPD- Very Secure FTP Daemon WU-FTP- Washington University's FTP ProFTPD- Professional FTP Daemon. In Linux operating system, by default there there are three services which is used to share files and directories to multiple different clients. Service Port no Advantages Disadvantages NFS 2049 Files & directories can be shared –support clients Linux & Unix. Unsupported for windows operating system. FTP 20,21 Files & directories can be shared –supports all operating systems. No Directories can be downloaded, only files are allowed to download Samba 137,138,139 Files, directories & Hardwares (printers) can be shared – su...

Active Directory

What is Active Directory? Active directory is a directory service which contains information of all user accounts and shared resources on a network. Active directory is a centralized Hierarchical Directory Database. Purpose of Active Directory Provides user logon and authentication services using Kerberos protocol. To centralize and decentralize the resource management. To centrally organize and manage: User accounts, computers, Groups, Network Resources. Enables authorized users to easily locate network resources. Structure of Active Directory Logical Structure •        Domain •        Tree •        Parent/root •        Child/branch •        Forest Physical Structure •        Domain   Controllers •        Sites ...